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tv   Predator Raw The Unseen Tapes  MSNBC  February 3, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> you know i'm in trouble, and i know i'm in trouble. >> kaye was convicted and recently sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison and ten years of supervised release. the judge gave him a harsh sentence in part because he thought kaye lied at his trial. >> so how can a parent protect a child from an internet predator? you'll find a complete online guide, just logon to "dateline" that's all for now. i'm ann curry. from all of us as msnbc news, thanks for watching.
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you've seen us catch online predators. >> on the ground, on the ground! >> men looking for sex on the internet. >> did you bring a condom? here in your pocket for easy arkansas. when caught some get feisty. >> chill, man.
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chill, dog. >> others desperate. >> i know my mom is going to take my computer and completely throw it away. >> now how they try to explain themselves. >> i didn't come to have sex. i came to get the girl and go to the party. >> and their excuses. why did you do it? >> when people talk to me i follow. >> i'm being straight up with you. i swear on my own kid's life i'm straight with you. >> are you addicted? >> i'm not extremely addicted. i am addicted to a certain point. >> this is predator raw. going into ft. myers, had just come off a vacation with my family there on the beach. got some sun, had great seafood. i was rested and ready to go. sometimes you work until 4:00 in the morning and the restful effects of that vacation go away pretty quickly. >> on the ground. >> chill, man.
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>> police, get on the ground. on the ground! >> this is one of the nicest, wealthiest neighborhoods in ft. myers, something from the home and garden child. every guy that walked in was just stunned at how beautiful this house was. >> frag is sort of an administer. he oversee perverted justice decoys. he confers with the police, gives us transcripts so i can confront the men that come in the house and provides information to the district attorney's office so they can have their parallel investigation go on that side. emily had been with us, came along with us from florida. college student, dancer, 19 years old but looked way, way younger. she could easily pass for a 13
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or 14-year-old. >> oh, my god. what is he carrying? >> we're trying to figure out what thomas coffman had. >> walking up the driveway. >> security people are worried about a weapon. it could be alcohol or a number of things. in the case of thomas coffman, it was nothing. >> made the turn. knock on the back door. >> hey corks on in. come on in. i'm in here. i made some chocolate chip cookies. i'm going to change. i got some chocolate on my shirt. come on in and have a seat. >> i'm standing. >> he's looking nervous. why don't you have a seat onchair. what's up? >> looking for work and stuff. >> what kind of work were you looking for here exactly? >> i do blacktop sealing. >> blacktop sealing. >> his story didn't make a lot
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of sense. >> do you want to start the story again? >> what do you mean? >> tell the truth. that was a lie. why did you lie, thomas. >> i don't like to be in trouble. i talk to a lot of people and meet a lot of people. >> come to find out, thomas had done this before, even sent naked pictures of himself. >> the reason you september this pick as someone who identified themselves as a 14-year-old girl. >> i had those in my loft. when i send a picture -- >> that's appropriate? >> no. >> to send to a 14-year-old girl. i am into young girls. i like them better than older girls. >> younger like 19, 20. that's what i meant by that. >> are you into sex? what was the biggest blank you have had? she says she's only had one.
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you talk about the size of your penis. >> i'll be honest. i meant everything i did say on there. i'm a person, i don't like getting in any trouble. >> how could you expect not to get in trouble by setting up a date after a sexually charged conversation with a girl who said she was 14. how could you expect not to get in trouble. >> she pinged me a couple of times. can i show you. >> who approached whom first? >> i clicked on the name and all and said hi. >> right. so you started the conversation? >> yes. >> can you take a nude picture of yourself? >> i just talk. you know, not to make anything bad. i talk to a lot of people and stuff. i got a cousin that goes and types stuff up under my name.
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>> you're not trying to tell me you didn't type this? >> no, i typed this. there was no intentions of me doing that. >> did you bring condoms today? i've been listening into his conversation with emily before i walk out to confront him. she asked about condoms. >> so did you bring the condoms? did you bring protection, something? make sure you say condoms or protection? >> say condoms. >> did you bring condoms? >> i always carry them on me. >> why don't you put them on the table. >> i always have them -- >> you always carry them in your breast pocket. for easy access? >> no. when they are in my wallet, you end up setting on them, they get a crease inside your wallet. >> you would not want that? >> no. >> i got children from my previous marriage. i've got three. >> you've got three children. how old are they? >> 14, 13, and 5. i have one boy. >> 14, 13, and 5. and the 14-year-old is a girl.
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it's wrong on every level. but then to have a 14-year-old daughter at home, the inevitable question arises -- >> would you be comfortable? >> no, i wouldn't. >> if your 14-year-old daughter was home alone and a man in his 30s came over to meet her after this kind of a conversation? >> no, i wouldn't. >> so if it's not okay for your 14-year-old daughter, why is it okay for you to do this with a 14-year-old girl? >> i might have said what i said there but there was no intentions. >> that doesn't make sense. >> i'm being straight up with you. you know, i swear on my own kids' life i'm being straight up with you. >> your own kids' life. >> i love my kids dearly. i don't get to see them but i love them dearly. >> one of the saddest part of this crime is the collateral damage. what happens to the wife, the children who are at home. >> have you ever seen "dateline" nbc? >> no, i usually watch sci-fi.
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>> have you ever seen our stories on computer predators, adults who go online to meet kids? >> no. >> thomas, this is one of those stories and i'm chris hansen with "dateline" nbc. we're doing a story about adults meeting kids online. if there's anything else you'd like to say, we'd like to hear it. if not, obviously you're free to walk out that door. >> no. >> get on the ground. get on the ground. >> we're prepared to have more than one guy show up at the same time. it's happened since the very first investigation. sometimes the police make an arrest and don't have time to take the guy away and have to hold him until they can make the second arrest and take both the guys to be questioned. and that's what happened. he left and they didn't have a chance to get the other guy out
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of there, so they had to take them about at the same time. >> hop in. >> walk over to this car. >> i think he's ready for you. >> who have i got to talk to? >> you'll talk to a couple of people. >> all right. >> he had some condoms in there, the address of the location was on there on a piece of paper. we took all that as evidence. i've got to tell you something, i'm chris hansen with "dateline" nbc. we're doing a story on adults getting children. since you have your child here, i'm not going to pursue this. . well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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>> it was sunday afternoon and we had one more man who was going to show up. he was coming over to meet a
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14-year-old boy. i believe we had a description of his car, an suv. >> he's in the driveway. i can't hear him coming. he's backing out now. he's backing out of the driveway. yeah, looks like he's going to park on the street. can you hear me? >> he gets out and goes to the rear passenger side. we think he's going to get beer or pizza or stuff we see guys bring all the time. instead he grabs the hand of his 5-year-old son and leads him up the driveway. >> oh, no. >> he brought his son with him. he brought his son with him. he's got his child with him. >> apparently the mother of the child, his wife, was at work that day. he was in charge of the child and figured he'd just bring him along. >> there was a collective gasp
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you could hear. >> he's going around. has he his child with him. >> it's open. >> he's one of the guys online had a very short chat but on the phone is graphic about what he wants to do. he has a conversation with dale, posing as the 14-year-old boy. >> making the turn. coming into the back door, coming through, walking in the living room. >> so i'm thinking, how do i handle this. he comes in. has he the kid by the hand. i walk out. he's startled. >> i've got to tell you something and i'm going to tell you straight up right now. i'm chris hansen with "dateline nbc." we're doing a story on adults on adults meeting children. since you have your child here, i'm not going to pursue this. >> okay. >> i think you know what you're doing here. >> no, take somebody out to lunch. >> take a boy out to lunch you met on the internet.
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>> i'm sorry. >> my point is because your child is here, it would be best if you went ahead and left. >> yes. >> of coursing from is talking to the police saying this has got to be a different sort of arrest. >> we're going to send this guy out because he's got his kid. >> you come here. let go of the child. >> hi, little boy. >> as gently as the police officer scooped him up, he still had to see his father get arrested. >> please give me my son. please. >> you've got to remember these guys that work with me on these investigations have done work with me in some of the darkest parts of the world and exposed some of the most tragic things that can happen to kids and people. they were just blown away. some of these guys were in
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tears. >> all right, buddy. >> you've got to go for a two-minute ride. >> based upon his interview with police, the chat log and everything else, it doesn't seem like he was going to involve the child in any sex act. it seemed like he was going to set the kid up in a room with a dvd and go do whatever he was going to do with this 14-year-old in another location. during his interview with police, he suggested it was the lack of intimacy in his marriage that drove him to do this. there was a state investigation to see if the boy in any way had been abused. pending that, relatives have told us that at first the boy was living with the mother, then the boy went to go live with other relatives, because the mother could the father back in. that was the situation. >> you've got the phone record,
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taped conversations? am i being held here. >> you can walk out if you want to. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don't forget our amazing seafood. so come to the gulf, you'll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that's florida. say louisiana or there's no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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>> here he comes. we talked him in. the gold car coming down is our boy. >> shoemocker talks his sister into driving him over there and waiting out in the driveway because he wants to take this underage girl to some party someplace and drink and smoke weed and ultimately have sex. >> all right, rob. i don't know how you're going to handle it. this is our boy. just so you know the wildest thing he's ever done is run from the cops. he's told me that. he's run before. so he's got rabbit blood. >> he talks about weed and calls it greed. >> greed. >> greed. so you can ask did you bring
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greed? >> knock knock. >> hey, come on in. >> got my sister and some babies out in the car, too, though. >> did you bring some greed? >> no, we're going to smoke some, get some. >> i just made some cookies but i got chocolate on my shirt so i'll be right out. can you try one of my cookies, they are so good. >> did you make them? >> all right. i'll eat one. i like chocolate chip. >> hey, why don't you have a seat over there. >> good. how are you. what's happening? >> good. >> hands up where i can see them. >> what's going on? are you a dad or something? >> he thinks this is a bad situation but all i've got to do is talk my way out of this with the girl's dad. this should take a matter of minutes and i'm out the door and back in my sister's car with the kids and i'll go to the party without the girl brf so what are you doing in this house? >> i asked the girl did she want to go to the birthday party.
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>> who are you here to pick up. what's your date's name for the party? >> bee. >> how old is bee? >> i don't know. she didn't really tell me. >> you need to keep your hands up where you can see them. >> don't be scared. don't be scared. >> i'm not scared. >> it becomes clear i'm not the father. then he thinks i'm with law enforcement. then he suspects he's in more trouble. he's still thinking he can talk his way out of this. >> you seem like law enforcement. i happen to know law enforcement. i happen to know law enforcement when i see them. >> you do. so you're an expert in this area. >> no. i'm just saying you come off as law enforcement. >> really? how old are you? >> i'm 21. >> 21. do you see an issue with a 21-year-old coming over to visit a 14-year-old? >> i didn't know she was 14. >> she told you. >> we were in a role-playing chatroom. >> have you ever given or got head? do you need a teacher. watch pooro?
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and you got pooro. >> i'm an adult. >> yes. but the girl you're talking to was not? >> well, i didn't know that, dude. >> and your poor sister is waiting outside with two babies in the car? >> yeah. >> because you had to come over here to have sex with a 14-year-old. >> i didn't come over here to have sex. >> why did you put your sister -- >> i didn't come to have sex. i came over here to get the girl and go to a party, dude. >> this guy has a mouth and an attitude that was unbelievable. real wise cracker. >> who are you snfr i'm chris hansen with "dateline nbc." >> do you look familiar. >> he pulls his shirt up and has his hat over it. again, it was one of those things that was almost hummorou the way it played out. the guy kept talking the whole way. >> i don't want to be on the news. you feel me? >> we are filming. >> i don't want to be on the news, dog. >> it's too late for that, dog.
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if there's anything else you want to tell me? >> i was in a local playing chatroom. do you have phone records? do you have taped records, do you have that? >> you're not in that much of a strong position here. >> i know that, man. am i being held up here? >> you're free to walk out here. >> y'all want an interview. how are you doing? >> walk out that door any time you want. >> is the cops out there? >> i can't speak to that. >> how are y'all doing. nbc. >> nbc. >> and you're -- >> chris hansen. >> let me explain something to nbc for a second here. i don't know what kind of rap y'all got on people but maybe you're getting the wrong story because this girl was in a role-playing chatroom. if she wants to play like she's 14, whatever. on the phone, the girl told me something different. >> really? >> so i mean -- >> and you expect me to believe that why? >> you don't got to believe it. you don't got to.
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i'm not trying to convince you or these cameramen or anybody else. >> who are you trying to convince? >> nobody. >> yourself? >> is police out there? let me know. >> again, i'm just doing a story here. >> all right, dude. whatever. dog, chill, man. chill, dog. >> when you're told to get on the ground, you get on the ground. >> i'm on the ground. >> no, you didn't. >> shoemacher knows trouble before. it's not his first time in a police car. >> tres ark, pick my cigarettes up. >> i don't think the sister had any clue what was going on. she was just trying to do her brother a favor because he had lost his license in a previous
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incident. she's waiting in the driveway. >> miss, ma'am. ma'am. do we have anything else there in the car? >> no. >> what's going on? is this your brother? >> yeah. >> you brought him here because he was going to have, with a 13-year-old? >> he wasn't supposed to have sex with her. >> put the child back in the car seat. you get back in the car. >> it's unfortunate the sister has to go through all this. obviously she didn't get into any trouble. she had done nothing wrong. she was trying to help out her brother. >> two words for nbc. role-playing chatroom. the girl was role-playing. ask her what she said on the phone. no, i just play like i'm young. i'm not really. y'all, going to get some green. >> what's that for your
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pedophile thing. when i'm found not guilty, i'm going to sue somebody. >> he told me she was 17. i haven't even laid eyes on the girl. if i knew she was 13, i wouldn't even have picked her up. >> dude, this is a bum rap, man. bum rap. does it look like i need to get 14-year-old girls? >> open it up. i have no problem with you. okay? you be cool and i'm cool. all right. >> nbc again. how are y'all doing, nbc. >> do you see there's something wrong with something your age coming here to meet somebody that's 14? >> yes, sir. >> and what's wrong with that?
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>> it's against the law. one that's always eluded me. thought i had it in the blizzard of '93. ha! never even came close. sometimes, i actually think it's mocking me. [ engine revs ] what?! quattro!!!!! ♪
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i'm milissa rehberger. former u.s. navy s.e.a.l. and famed sniper were killed at a shooting range in texas allegedly by a veteran bagtsing ptsb. eddie routh held on $3 million bond. the standoff with a navy veteran and little boy continues in alabama. jim lee dikes accused of killing a school bus driver and taking the boy to an underground bunker. so far the authorities say the boy is unharmed. back to "predator raw." this investigation in fort meyer ememployed the most cameras we ever used, 13 hidden cameras. we had one hidden in a palm tree that could zoom in with enough
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clarity to read a license plate on a car that was down the block. >> is there anything i need to say? >> i liked your picture. you liked your picture. am i going to see it for real? >> he's in the archway, making the turn, back door, at the top. call out. >> i made you chocolate chip cookies. i left them on the table. have a seat. i'll be right there. >> the online decoy wasn't there. he thought he was talking to a girl named liz, now emily has to play that role with him. >> i really liked your picture. i can't wait to see you. >> i know. >> it's because of the conversation with the decoy on site they say, there is a real girl. there's a potential of fulfilling this fantasy i have and they walk in.
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>> what kind of alcohol did you bring? >> citron, mandarin orange, yagger meister. >> did you bring condoms? >> uh-huh. >> with all that, sounds like you have a pretty big night tonight. >> yeah. >> what was your plan. >> just hang out. >> hang out with who? >> with liz. >> how old is liz? >> 14, i think. >> 14, you think. and how old are you? >> 27. >> what do you do for a living? >> i'm actually looking for a job right now. i got laid off from my last job. >> what's your degree in. >> hospitality management. >> hospitality management. have you ever had a job in that field? >> uh-huh. >> it's always hard for me to understand how somebody that makes it through college, gets to be in their mid-20s, has a good education, has the ability
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to get a good job ends up just kind of lost and trolling the internet for young teens. >> do you see there's something wrong with someone your age coming here to meet somebody that's 14? >> yes, sir. >> what's wrong with that? >> it's against the law. >> against the law. and you knew that before you came over here. >> not really. >> but you know it now. >> uh-huh. >> how long did it take you to get here? >> from jupiter to here, it took me -- i left about 3:00. it took me almost four hours. >> four hours. that's a lot to go through just to meet a 14-year-old girl. >> it is. >> you've got to be pretty dedicated. so you guys are what, going to have a few drinks, hang out. >> hang out.
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watch a movie. not necessarily have sex. but if it came down to that, i mean, i know it's illegal to have sex with a minor. >> i want to make love to you, you said. >> uh-huh. >> she says, well, i've never done it before but only because no one wanted to. you say, we can make love all night long. >> thornton looked a little lost in life. he's one of those guys you can feel sorry for. he made it very clear in his chat what he was willing to do with a young teenager girl. >> i want to show you something personal. she says sure, what? well, it's something underneath my pants. i know you would die if someone found out you viewed it. it starts with a p and ends in an s. you know that's illegal to send something like that to somebody you think is under age. he exposes himself and then he
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masturbates. it leaves little room for guessing as to what his intent was when he went to the house. >> are you addicted? >> i'm not extremely addicted. i am addicted to a certain point. >> do you have a compulsion? >> i don't know what that is, actually. >> do you have a problem controlling yourself when it comes to meeting young people online? >> yes. i have a problem with that. >> and what have you done to get treatment or help with that? >> i've went to counseling many, many times, stuff like that. >> so based upon the fact you're here to meet a 14-year-old, that counseling isn't working out too well, is it? >> no. >> first there's the poor site, then the chatroom, then there's explicit behavior online.
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then something gets to the point where nothing will satisfy them except the face-to-face meeting. i think that's where thornton was. >> you've got to go deal with it on your own now? >> yes. >> what's it going to take? >> it's going to take a lot of time, a lot of patience and a lot of rethinking. >> you know how this chat looks. >> uh-huh. >> you were raring and ready to go here. i've got to tell you something. i'm chris hansen from "dateline nbc," and we are doing a story on adults trying to meet children on the internet. >> okay. >> what you may not know is that everything from the time you drove down the street until now has been videotaped. if there's anything else you'd like to say to us, we'd like to hear it. if not, you're obviously free to walk right out the door you came in. >> all right. thank you.
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>> police. on the ground. >> anything sharp in your pockets? >> no. >> we're not going to let this guy leave if he doesn't come in. >> come here for a second, toni. >> i like to stay in my house. >> show me a piece of mail with your name on it? >> piece of mail with my name on it. >> there's got to be something with your name on it. >> i can go get my library card. . [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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thomas moffett was a guy who had a good job. he was head of maintenance on a resort on the east coast of florida. he had been carrying on this conversation with a decoy who he thought was a young teenager girl and ultimately drove to our house. and in the wee hours of the morning -- >> he's coming, emily. hold on. he's coming. wave, wave, wave. he hit the brakes. he saw you. he's hit the brakes and backing up. >> emily, go to the door and wave. go to the door and wave. >> you can see my house. >> he's trying to wave her out
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to the street. no way. >> turn around and walk inside. tell him he can follow or not. it's his choice. >> you coming? it's humid and hot out here. come on. the door is open. >> he gets out, smokes a cigarette. disease he's almost going to come in. the decoy says, come on. i'm here. everything is fine. >> you can get ready in the laundry room, i'm going to get ready over here. >> he's looking. he's definitely nervous. he wants to come in but he's nervous. call again. call him again. he's still standing outside. >> you can get ready right by there and come get a cookie. >> he's on the first step. you can move your boys. we're not going to let this guy leave if he doesn't come in. go ahead and position them. emily, go where he can see -- a little forward. go where he can see, between you and the tv. >> if you're not going to come in, i'm just going to go to bed. >> come here for a second, toni. >> i'm right here in the
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kitchen, i just took the cookies out of the oven. >> come here, please. >> i like to stay in the house. it makings me feel comfortable. you're nervous. come on, now. >> you haven't acted this way when we talk to person. >> really? talking to a person is different than online. >> you don't sound the same way in person as you did on the phone. >> what did you picture me as? >> the picture looks different, too. >> the online decoys have a pool of pictures of young kids they use. sometimes it doesn't always match up with emily, the on site decoy. so you get into situations where these guys say, you look different from your picture. she's trying to deal with that. frag is trying to talk her through it. in most cases it's close enough it works. >> you said you were going to do something for me in the laundry room and i was going to get ready in that room. that was part of the deal. this wasn't part of anything we talked about. >> all this is playing out at
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once, you know. i'm trying to be on my toes and be ready for any one of these scenarios. he had talked about taking off his clothes as he came inside. he talked about staying the night. >> were you lying to me? >> uh-uh. >> are you going to back out on me? >> uh-uh. >> that's what i feel like you're goinged to now? >> i'm in the sun room, which is sort of a back room or side room adjacent to the living room where the main set is. i have a bank of monitors, so i can see what's doing on in the back of the house, the front of the house, in the living room, coming up the hallway in the kitchen. then the rest of the crew is actually upstairs. >> just being cautious. >> of what? >> i just am. >> there's nothing to be worried about. >> we're there to do the job. just because it's almost 4:00 in the morning we're not going to
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say that's it. you work as long as it takes. >> i'll give you five minutes to get ready in the laundry room right here. >> there's absolutely no downside to this. this conversation, him smiling, all this is good. we want to get him in but if he stands outside for five or ten minutes, it plays well. >> show me a piece of mail with your name on it. >> there's got to be something with your name on it. >> i can go get my library card. >> okay. >> but you have to get ready in the laundry room? >> okay. >> is that a deal? >> yes. >> you promise? >> yes. >> he's got the car keys out. she's giving him an ultimatum. >> i'm going to get my library card. when i go up the stairs, i want to hear you getting ready in here. >> okay. >> hey, are you coming? >> where is your card? >> dude, i can't even find my freaking library card. if you're not going to come in, i'm going to go to bed, okay?
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this is getting ridiculous. i'm going to go put my nightie on. if you want to come in, i'll leave my door open for a little bit or i'm just going to get ready for bed. okay? >> so they may have been 10 feet apart at one point. ultimately he just wouldn't come inside the house. >> take him. take him. >> get down. get down. >> i didn't do anything. i didn't do anything. >> get down. >> i didn't do anything. >> put your hands behind your back. >> i didn't do anything. i'm walking away. >> it's hard to go right to sleep, because your adrenaline has been at a pretty high level. you've got to get up at 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning to start all over again. >> walk this way. do you have anything in your pocket to bump me or stick me or cut me? >> no, sir. >> nothing? >> no, nothing. want me to take them off? >> mr. moffett, please step out.
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>> are you going to tell your folks about this? >> my mom is going to take my computer and completely throw it away. >> you're 48 years old. why should you rely on your mommy to do discipline? or that you had to print from your desk. at least, nobody said it to us. introducing the business smart inkjet all-in-one series from brother. easy to use. it's the ultimate combination of speed, small size, and low-cost printing. this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. email marketing from constant contact reaches people in a place they're checking every day -- their inbox.
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>> hey, take a seat. i'll be right there. >> i couldn't find the place. >> i know. it's so hard to find. >> donald morrison was one of those characters who had it not
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been for the graphic nature of his online conversation with someone he thought was a young teenager girl, it would be comical. >> what's going on? >> i don't know. i just was talking to her and she said come down and visit her. i have a compulsion for younger womenu just meeting them. i haven't -- i've met about a dozen of them online. >> did you ever get in trouble? >> i got in trouble because i met a girl in michigan. >> how old was that girl? >> 17. >> what trouble did you get in there? >> her grandfather wanted to try to charge me with something. they couldn't do anything so they arrested me for trying to -- for possessing child pornography because i had nude pictures of her on my computer. they ended up dropping the charges. >> i see. how did you get the naked pictures of the teenager girl? >> i met her in michigan and i took them. >> you took the pictures of the girl. >> uh-huh. >> morrison just laid it all out there. not only does he admit what he's
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doing that night but tells me he's got a history of doing this sort of thing. how old was the youngest girl you ever met? >> 17. most of them are like 21, 22. >> and tonight, though, you were willing to come meet a 15-year-old. >> yeah. i don't know why. >> you don't know why. >> you treat this like you forgot to pay for some candy at the cookie store. >> i came to meet her because she told me she was board. i said, well, do you want me to come meet you? she said, sure, come on down. i said, okay. that was it. i know it's wrong. i knew i shouldn't have done it. i knew i shouldn't have done it. >> why did you do it, then? >> i don't know. just -- just because when people sweet talk me, i fall. i fall. >> in donald morrison's mind, he truly thinks if a young teenager girl says it's okay to have sex, it's okay. >> you say if you are ready for sex, i'll give it to you but i
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have erectile dysfunction. it won't get real hard. sure sounds like you were preparing for a sex act. >> i was preparing for it because she said -- i said, if you saw what i said, i said if you want it, i will give it to you, but i'm not going to force anything you don't want. i'm not going to force myself on you. >> that doesn't make it legal, though. >> i know it doesn't make it legal. >> i want you to be honest with me. if i wasn't here tonight and a young girl was who was alone and willing to have sex, what do you think will happen? >> i can say honestly, yes, i probably would have if she would have said, hey, let's go for it. >> and you don't see anything wrong with that? >> yes, i do see things wrong with it but i have a lack of judgment. >> here is a guy whose middle aged, not especially well dressed, doesn't appear to have a lot of money in his pocket. he's living with his parents. >> are you going to tell your
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folks about this? >> i'm going to tell me folks about it. >> how do you think they will react. >> i know my mom is going to take my computer and probably throw it away. >> you're 48 years old, donald, why should you rely on your mommy to do discipline here? >> because of, like i said, lack of judgment, you know, being lonely, having no girlfriend, no physical contact with anybody. just lack of -- just lost it. >> ultimately donald morrison says, okay, i get what's going on here. i'm probably on "to catch a predator" right now. he recognizes me finally. >> when you said you thought the "dateline" stories were pretty bad. dunk the stories were bad because of what "dateline" did or did you think the guys caught on "dateline" were bad? >> some of the things "dateline" did. >> let me get this straight. when you say you thought the "dateline" stories were pretty bad, are you talking about the stories or the guys caught in
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the stories? >> the guys caught in the stories. know this is probably going to be on "dateline," too, so go ahead and put it on. >> you know who i am? >> i know who you are, once i recognized it. you know, recognized the voice. i don't really watch "dateline." i'm usually working 2:00 to 11:00. >> i'm chris hansen with "dateline nbc." >> i understand. i recognize from the voice. >> everything you've said and done has all been recorded. >> okay. >> if you have anything you'd like to tell us, we'd like to hear it. >> just saying this isn't something i've normally done. this isn't something i normally do. >> donald, you're free to go out the door. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> thank you for kicking me in the pants and setting me straight, chris. i'll say this will be the first
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and it will be the last time. i'll give you permission to even monitor me, if you want to. >> i appreciate that. >> i'm willing, if i could find a counselor, i'll go to counseling. >> maybe he should have help, but i think looking back on it now, there's also a little bit of showmanship going on on donald morrison's part. he's thinking if he admits he's got a problem and thanks me for giving him a kick in the pants, as i believe he put it, that he'll get help, he thinks maybe he can dodge being in some sort of trouble with law enforcement. of course that's not going to work out very well for him. >> am i going to be arrested when i go out there. >> that's not up to me. >> okay. >> you're free to go. >> the way this was set up,
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there was some tendency for some guys to go out the front door as opposed to the back door. >> writes the door at? >> straight back. >> straight back. >> right through that door right there. >> he steps off that back step, which is kind of a big step and boom, ft. myers police are right on him. >> on the ground, on the ground, on the ground. >> what physical threat did donald morrison pose? probably not a great threat. >> i knew this was going to happen when "dateline" was in there. >> but you never know what somebody has got on them. you never know how somebody might react once they walk out of a house after being on television. >> i'm diabetic. >> needles in your pocket? >> no, sir. >> roll up. >> get my glasses. >> got them. >> got them. >> the arrest is made. morrison goes into a diabetic shock of sorts, and they didn't want to take any chances,


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